Ed comes to a difficult decision. Can David be regretting his decision?

Radio Times: Jennifer and Jill are on the trail, and the pressure is on Ed.

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  • It’s not a day to be around in Ambridge; Ruth’s soft and caring voice is being employed in a number of situations. When Eddie arrives to see what work is available over Lambing, and expresses his sadness that livestock will no longer be on Lakey Hill once Justin Elliott moves in, he is treated to the first dose of That Voice. David is sounding increasingly unhappy about the move.
  • Jennifer and Jill look through some old pictures of Ambridge in a book Jill found in the library. There is the one of Dan and the milk float, but a better image than the one on the website, with a date and more details. Apparently Brian is not a happy man and has actually used the word coven about his household.
  • Ed comes to ask Ruth and David’s advice. He outlines his financial predicament and is treated to Ruth’s extra soft and caring voice in return. David has no suggestion to make. He sounds even more unhappy about the move. When he hears from Eddie that Bert and Freda are worried about losing their bungalow, David seems more unhappy still.
  • Ed goes to seek comfort in his cows, and is overheard talking to them by Eddie. Ed tells his father things are over for him as a dairy farmer. He will have to sell the herd. That way he can clear his debts and have some over to buy a tractor for contracting work. He is a failure. No, says Eddie, you’ve made a very brave decision. No-one can you say you didn’t try against all the odds.

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