Ed focuses on his money issues and Eddie goes creative with ideas to sell turkeys.

Radio Times: Will receives an offer from Ed, and Eddie reveals his plans for Christmas.

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  • Ed phones his father with worries about one of his cows. Clarrie is worried about Joe taking Carol to the cider shed. She insists that it must have a clear-out so as not to muss Carol’s nice clothes.
  • Eddie manages to diagnose and treat the cow so no need for the vet and his fees but Ed thanks his dad by pouring out his usual moan about money.
  • After Susan spreads scandalous misinformation about Roy and Elizabeth, Clarrie worries about Jill finding out. In these small villages people will talk, sniffs Susan disapprovingly.
  • Clarrie fusses when she finds empty packets of pork scratchings in Joe’s shed. And what is Eddie doing with a sombrero?
  • Acting on his father’s suggestion, Will rings Ed and offers him the job of a beater. Ed is a bit snarky but he accepts while Susan screeches about George’s pup Holly who has messed in the laundry room again.
  • Eddie’s big idea for the Grundy Christmas turkey operation is a fortune-telling turkey. If ancient Romans had fortune-telling chickens, this will fit perfectly into the history of the turkey attraction that Eddie has planned. Clarrie indignantly turns down the plum role of a cockney charwoman while Eddie spins his distinctly dodgy history. Eddie is struck with the perfect idea: he will pardon a turkey in front of the Stars and Stripes just like the American president. The punters will line up to see that. Joe declares Eddie a genius. Clarrie despairs.

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