Ed sells four cows to give himself breathing space. Tom treads on Neil’s toes.

Radio Times: Susan is supportive, and Ed receives comfort.

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  • One, two, three, four. Keira is helping to say goodbye to the cows that Ed needs to sell. When Ed has gone off to Felpersham (far enough away for locals not to get wind of his troubles) Emma confides in her mum, who is very understanding. Ed is very much like Emma’s dad, a hard worker but sometimes Susan feels he needs a bit of a push. Perhaps that’s what Emma needs to administer.
  • Johnny is at a loose end, so he is unblocking drains; Neil had declined his offer of help and college work doesn’t appeal. To take his mind off imminent exam results, Tom suggests broadening his farming education with a spot of ploughing; re-seeding a field is part of the pig plan but the trouble is it’s Tom’s plan rather than Neil’s. When Neil turns up he makes this point; this is not the field he would have chosen.
  • As he later says to Susan, Neil thinks Tom is really making a mistake; he would just like to have been consulted before Tom started ploughing up the ‘wrong’ field. Susan points out that Neil is a partner in the pig venture, so he should do something.
  • Ed’s cows fetched the price he had expected, so they now have enough money to clear their debts. It’s a relief. Now Ed will take all the advice he can get about the way forward. If it would help, Emma doesn’t mind postponing the wedding. It wouldn’t help; the one thing Ed is really sure about is that he wants to marry Emma.

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