Emma continues to whine about Nic and the baby but Ed doesn’t agree.

Radio Times: Nic feels guilty and Vicky has some news.

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  • Shula tells Alan she has taken Darrell in for a few days. Alan is rather surprised. Alistair has some misgivings but agrees they need to help.
  • Nic also goes to church with Poppy. George wanted to come so they want to keep thing normal for the other kids.
  • Vicky and Mike are seeing how much Bethany is growing. She’ll be able to pass on a lot to Nic. She mentions to Mike that Kirsty and Tom are back together again.
  • Darrell is being annoyingly helpful. Shula is getting a bit irritated. She suggests some small jobs he can do but he can’t get his tools from his mate. And he is so keen to help he is actually disrupting the routine.
  • Mike and Ed have a chat about Joe. He still isn’t doing well. It’s a shock seeing himself so weak. He looks so old.
  • Emma goes to pick up George from Nic and she whines that Vicky has given her clothes for the baby and says people with money shouldn’t complain about pink things. She moans on about bringing George up in a caravan. Nic tries to soothe troubled waters by saying she is taking Poppy round to see Joe but, of course, Emma has to point out she is already taking the great grandchildren round. Later Emma whines to Ed about Nic having support from her Mum and scoffs at her taking Poppy to see Joe but Ed just thinks it might be helpful for Joe since he is still not improving.

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