Fallon and Harrison are out of hot water and Brian attempts to force his wishes on the family partnership

Radio Times: Lilian has a lot on her mind, and Brian is being hassled

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  • The hot water checks out just as Fallon is soaped up in the shower. After investigating, Harrison announces they must notify Christine. Fallon wants a proper shower and Harrison suggests she go around to her mum’s. Fallon lists the other repairs that Christine needs to see to. Harrison worries it will be too much telling Christine about everything at once but Fallon insists. On top of these worries, Harrison receives a text from Will complaining about being from left out of the cricket rota.
  • Brian and Adam discuss Will’s elimination from the team at the next game with Anisha and Tracy playing in his stead. Adam observes that Harrison prefers to call it squad rotation but Brian notes that whatever it is called, Will is a much better player than either of the two women. Adam says that everyone should get used to the women team members but Brian reports that Will is muttering about looking elsewhere to play. Freddy seems to have enjoyed his first full day of picking but Brian seems doubtful that he will stick with it. Adam proposes a partnership meeting very soon but Brian notes that he hasn’t got round to appointing a legal representative for Ruairi yet. Adam thinks they must discuss purchasing a new harvester; Brian attempts to veto it but Adam is insistent that it must be discussed by the family partners. Adam wants the meeting at the end of the week. Brian intends to appoint David as the representative but Adam nominates Ian or Alistair. Neither is a farmer, objects Brian, but Adam can’t see that as essential.
  • Jennifer and Lilian discuss the builders for Lilian’s bath. Lilian’s bruises are a bit painful but she is out of sorts when Jennifer presses on about danger she was in. Jennifer asks if Lilian’s ill temper is due to James and Leonie’s disagreements. Perhaps Lilian can smooth things over at her birthday celebration.
  • As Fallon and Harrison discuss repairs with Christine, Hilda bites Harrison rather badly. The boiler must be fixed as soon as possible but Christine seems a bit vague. As Harrison leaves, Hilda takes the opportunity to get in one more attack. A bit later, Christine and Lilian discuss the accident with Amir and the land deal. Christine asks Lilian if she knows any plumber who could look at the boiler at Woodbine. Lilian promises to sort it out. Christine calls Fallon with the news that Lilian will have the boiler fixed. Hilda attacks Lilian as she mounts the stairs. Peggy remains the only one who thinks Hilda Ogden is a treasure.
  • Adam pops in to say good bye to Jennifer and Brian. He is off to Venice on his holiday. Adam also mentions that Alice thinks David is too old to act as the legal representative for Ruairi. Brian and Jennifer are appalled. Adam reports that David will be 70 when Ruairi reaches the age of majority but Brian protests that is hardly old! Brian asks sarcastically if Alice will want him to consult Kate next. Adam answers that it wouldn’t be a bad idea; Brian doesn’t want to give the impression that Kate is being ignored.
  • Jennifer points out to Brian that he has pretended to listen to the others but all along he is determined to appoint David as Ruairi’s legal representative. Brian protests that he is choosing the best person for the job. Jennifer notes Brian means David is the best person to represent Brian’s views. Brian protests that is not true and he will have David appointed before the end of the week.

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