Freddie and Noluthando go in search of magic mushrooms. Adam tells Lilian he will deal with Matt.

Radio Times: Noluthando proves to be a bad influence

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  • Jim tries to canvas votes for Emma by talking to Robert. Helen was impressed with hearing Emma speak at the mother and baby group. Jim is hoping the youth vote will win. Joe is walking Ruby as a favour to Jennifer who is looking after her because Lilian is sick.
  • Noluthando and Freddie are sharing a few joints. Noluthando isn’t missing South Africa and her father. She could get straight As if she wanted but even that wouldn’t be good enough. Freddie tries to get her to enjoy Ambridge but she hates what is going on and hates being stared at. Freddie suddenly remembers Joe talking about mushroom picking season which suddenly gives him ideas. He finds some which he thinks look like magic mushrooms and starts eating them. Noluthando tells him they could be poisonous. But they both have a go. Freddie starts giggling but Noluthando says she feels sick.
  • Joe is making up stories about how the apple Tumble Tussock got its name. He claims it is a love story ending up with the importance of cider. Apparently it is Jennifer’s research.
  • Adam goes to visit Lilian to find out what is wrong. He tries to help her but she has to continue to pretend to be ill to avoid Matt and that will mean cancelling James and Leonie. Adam says she must stand up to him. It isn’t love. He’s been there and knows what it is like. Lilian says he’s probably right. She hated the idea of being alone and maybe Justin has some bad surprises for her. Adam says Matt is just jealous. But then she admits that Matt asked her to go away with him. She did consider it for one tiny moment. Adam tells her to live her life with Justin. Leave Matt Crawford to him.

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