Hayley worries about her job. Arthur gives Lilian something to think about in her love life.

Radio Times: Lilian is given food for thought, and Hayley worries about the winds of change.

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  • As they pore over the details of Lower Loxley bookings, Elizabeth makes it clear that she is leaving to Roy the interaction with the consultant Duncan Simpson. More immediately, Roy is contemplating the forthcoming quiz at The Bull; he and Hayley are going to support Fallon, who is feeling a bit down.
  • Lilian calls on Arthur to check that all the work has been done satisfactorily. It has, though the workers were not as pleasant and amenable as Darrell. Lilian assures him that Darrell will still be working for Amside. Arthur appreciates the interest that Lilian has taken; it has made all the difference.
  • Hayley and Roy discuss what Lynda told them yesterday about Vicky being upset; they plan to give her a Moses basket. Hayley is worried about the consultant; he has looked at a neighbouring stately home and some people lost their jobs. Roy assures her that Lower Loxley is not in trouble but business is down and Elizabeth does not want to let things slip; it’s standard business practice.
  • Lilian takes little persuasion to stay and have a cup of tea with Arthur; he is clearly lonely without Joyce. He tells her of his experience with an earlier girlfriend when he was doing national service. She was no good but he couldn’t do without her – like a drug. It makes Lilian think.

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