Helen and Henry move out. Holly moves back in.

Radio Times: Helen makes a fresh start. Meanwhile, Emma saves the day.

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  • As fast as Helen packs his toys, Henry unpacks them. Pat, it seems, is too busy in the dairy to help, so Helen recruits Emma to look after him while she gets the job done. That confirms the rumours Emma had heard. When Pat later offers help, she is rebuffed; it’s too late.
  • Emma took the call at Grange Farm, where she was discussing with Ed the George/Holly problem. The plan is for Emma to talk to Nic but she is getting cold feet about it. With Ed’s encouragement, she calls on Nic to ask if there is any chance of having Holly back. Take here, please take her. For Nic it would be a massive favour. She would rather deal with Will in a strop than a boisterous puppy. Nic will pick up the children from the bus, with Holly, explain the plan to George and deliver both to Ambridge View.
  • With Henry out of the way, Helen and Rob have got Henry’s room ready. Then Rob learns that for their first proper day together he has to drive to Essex for a meeting and so will be late back. Helen is a model of understanding.
  • Holly’s return home is a bit chaotic because George hadn’t got hold of her lead. Order is soon restored. Ed thanks Nic but she assures him it is her pleasure – honestly.
  • It’s been a long day and Helen is tired – but not too tired! However Henry has not settled so she and Rob are destined to spend their first proper night together with Henry between them. Rob is a model of understanding – through gritted teeth.

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