Helen has a positive conversation with Anna. And then she wins the Food and Dining Award for her Borsetshire Blue.

Radio Times: Anna gives Helen another option, and Lilian is in her element.

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  • Jennifer and Lilian are getting ready for the food and drink awards. Lilian wants to do Justin proud while not outshining Miranda. Alice’s interview went well. Jennifer thinks it would be marvellous to have Alice working in agriculture too. Helen has been in touch. They’ve arranged another time for Lilian to visit.
  • Helen does ring Anna and sounds more confident. Anna admits she didn’t do well and would understand if Helen wanted someone else. Helen says no, Anna must not give up on her. Anna says she won’t but she needs Helen to help her build a case. Helen says it is difficult and Anna says she understands.
  • Pat is feeling better now Helen has rung Tony. And she has new photos of Jack. She wants to do Helen proud at the awards. Justin is rather full of himself too. You would almost think he was the host, not Oliver and Caroline. Pat wonders why Justin is so full of himself. They didn’t think they’d see him for dust once Route B was off the table. Jennifer thinks there is a simpler explanation. Miranda then turns up. She is very rude to everyone and particularly Lilian. Then Lilian notices her dress. She drags her out of the room. Her dress is the same as the one Mayoress always wears. Lilian manages to persuade her to change. Miranda grudgingly comments that Lilian is rather good at this.
  • Justin flatters Miranda and he and Lilian pretend to make small talk with her about the trip to Wimbledon. When the awards are presented, Ian wins the haute cuisine award. The Bull won the family dining category. They hope Elizabeth isn’t too sad at not coming first. But she seems happy to have brought Richard Locke. Upper Class Eggs didn’t win. Nor did Emma and Fallon. But Helen wins the final award for Artisan Products. Pat goes up to collect the award. At least they’ll have something good to tell Helen and that hasn’t happened for a very long time.

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