Helen hears the truth from Jess.

Radio Times: Bert’s no fool, and Helen uncovers some truths.

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  • Helen is at the station, meeting Jess off a train. At first the conversation is awkward and strained, but when Jess suggests that they go for a walk, things are much easier. Helen asks about Ethan; Jess tells her that Rob came to see her with flowers and champagne, and wanted to get back with her, but next morning he walked out saying that Helen was a better lover. She met Ethan’s father, an old friend, a few days later, and Ethan was the result of a one night stand when she was feeling miserable.
  • As Bert and Ruth look at the sheep, Bert tells her how thoughtful and helpful Rex is as a house-guest – unlike Toby, who never clears up or does anything to help. Bert embarks on an involved story of the April Fool they played on Toby, whereby the water in the shower changed colour. Inexplicably Ruth finds it hysterically funny and screeches with unconvincing laughter.
  • As Jess talks about Rob, it is ever more clear that Helen’s experience is much like hers. Rob undermined her constantly, and when she stood up to him, he hit her. Helen tells her about Henry’s Easter presents, and Jess is appalled. Now she is over Rob, Jess looks forward to each day and to seeing her child grow up. Sadly, Helen admits that when she and Henry were on their own she laughed a lot. She still thinks things will change once she has the baby, but Jess sees things much more clearly. Rob will chip away at Helen until there is nothing left. Get away, Helen, before he crushes you completely.

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