Helen makes a major decision. Elizabeth is surprised to learn who Freddie is in contact with. Lynda’s creative juices flow freely.

Radio Times: Helen is ready to move forward, and Elizabeth is reminded of a road not taken.

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  • Pat is pleased to see Helen making cheese while Tony keeps an eye on Jack while looking through his tractor magazines. Pat thinks Helen looks different – she is contented.
  • Glad to escape the atmosphere at Brookfield, Jill goes to Lower Loxley where Lizzie is trying to sort out a heating problem for a conference guest. She asks Jill to keep an eye on Freddie, who has his Maths re-sit coming up. Flapjack is clearly required, and a grateful Freddie tells her how hard he finds Maths, though he has been in touch with Ifty by email, and he has given Freddie some useful advice.
  • Susan expresses surprise that Lynda should be directing another Christmas show, and with a certain lack of tact comments that a good old fashioned panto is what’s needed. Lynda is in lyrical mode, explaining that her intense creativity demands an outlet, which is why she needs Kate as her muse. Susan remains unimpressed, but asks if Lynda knows of a good photographer for the Carter family portrait, and indeed a portrait of Susan on her own. Missing the point when Lynda names a few greats of the photographic world, Susan ponders the idea of Robert, though he did, of course necessitate the sticking on of stars at his last attempt.
  • Having sorted the heating out, Lizzie accepts a flapjack (can these be the ones she told Pip were for Peggy and Chris, or has Jill been on another mammoth bake?) and is amazed to hear about Ifty. She tells Jill what took place – or failed to take place – between them, and how bad she still feels about Roy. She is far too busy to think about relationships, anyway. There is no room for a man in her life. Really?
  • Helen tells Pat she has decided not to make a complaint about Rob, but to get on with her life. That’s fine by Pat.

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