Hopes rise; hopes are dashed. Pat is tricked into becoming a prosecution witness; now she cannot visit Helen..

Radio Times: Pat sees an opportunity and it is deadline day at the Dower House.

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  • Wonderful news! Pat has had an email: they can visit Helen tomorrow. Also DS Madeley wants Pat to go to the police station to give a statement about the background to the incident; Pat sees this as a chance to put Helen’s side of the story. She doesn’t think there is any need for a solicitor, though Tony wonders whether this is wise.
  • The Dower House is almost ready for the much-heralded arrival of Miranda. Lilian’s introduction to her is curt and Miranda has clearly not been briefed about the unconventional nature of Lilian’s role. First she wants a coffee, then she will dictate all the things she wants organised. She likes the house except for the clutter in the sitting room (that’s the Borsetshire slipware) and the hideous bronze chair; the vases (from the Horrobins’ box of junk) are lovely, so they can stay. She confides to Justin that Lilian’s age means they won’t have the same problem as last time. Interesting!
  • It turned out to be a long interview and in which DS Madeley was particularly interested in Maundy Thursday, when Helen had uttered her threat to kill Rob if he came between her and Henry. On balance Pat thinks it was helpful but when she calls Anna she learns exactly what she has done: she is now a prosecution witness, not allowed to talk to Anna and not allowed to visit Helen. What an idiot she has been. Pat is inconsolable but Kirsty brings a welcome touch of positivity, without which Tony doesn’t know what he would have done.

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