Ian’s sperm is unlikely to useful so Adam offers to be the donor. Ian doesn’t want to think about it yet.

Radio Times: There’s a shock in store for Ian

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  • Joe is panicking about offering Jim a try of Tumble Tussocks before buying his turkey. Eddie thinks it will be a good plan if Jim welcomes it – his view is respected. Jim appears with his own glass. Eddie assures him it is pure neighbourliness, not a bribe in anyway. He doesn’t like it anyway – sickly and thin. They try another barrel. And that is amazing. Then they try the third barrel. Eddie says it is horrible.
  • Adam and Ian are still going through the surrogate process. Ian has been having all the tests. And then Ian’s name is up in lights in the local paper. After the tests, Ian is crushed. His sperm is extremely unlikely ever to father a child, even via IVF. That’s the end of it.
  • Eddie and Joe are shocked at how impressed Jim was. Joe thinks it is a shame that only one barrel was any good but Eddie admits he pretended. He wanted Jim to think there was a shortage. They are seeing to the turkeys for their last night on earth.
  • In the car on the way home, Ian says his father was right all along. He isn’t a real man. Adam says it isn’t the end but Ian says he can’t know how he feels. He’d wanted a child for so long – his own child. Adam offers to be the sperm donor but Ian rejects it. It isn’t what Adam signed up for. Adam says they both want a child now. Ian says it is a tough day. They need to let things sink in before making a decision.

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