It’s back to square one for Ian and Adam; Lilian’s honeymoon plans require further discussion.

Radio Times: Helen has a lot to think about

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  • At Grange Farm, Emma is tired and Ed is miserable. He’s been offered two days work by Tom but is in two minds about taking it. The Archers got themselves into this mess by letting Johnny go and Ed feels rather like a commodity. Why should he help them when no one shows him any loyalty. Emma convinces him that cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face is never a good idea. He wanders off to tend his sheep instead.
  • Lilian and Justin are touring an exhibition of art. Lilian demonstrates a hitherto unknown artistic tendency by explaining at some length to her companion the finer points of the work that they’ve seen. She turns to “involve” him further, only to find that he’s taken the opportunity to slip away, presumably wishing to look rather than to listen.
  • At The Tea Room, Ed tells Emma that he’s agreed to help Tom out, grudgingly. He can see a future in his Texels, one day they could make a real return on them. And it’s the only bit of real farming he has left. He makes to leave as Emma goes over to Helen, who’s in a pensive mood. She says that she faces a tricky situation with a friend. Emma’s view? Help all you can but when it comes down to it, you must look after yourself. She goes to get Helen another coffee. Ed’s still there, dreaming of his future champion sheep.
  • Helen calls on Ian. He’s going over to Grey Gables. Apparently, the new staff member isn’t going down well and Roy is worrying himself about Lexi. He also wants to start on Alice’s birthday cakes. Helen cuts him short and suggests that they go inside to talk.
  • Lilian is engaging Justin in conversation about the paintings they’ve seen. Justin admits to being a bit of a philistine about such matters. He perks up when Lilian mentions that she’s had some ideas about their honeymoon. Justin fancies Mexico, Lilian feels that India might be a better choice. He is worried about the possibility of being victims of crime or getting food poisoning while there; she’s concerned that they may find themselves in a five-star bubble and see little of the real India. Justin suggests that they talk it through later, Lilian agrees, ever so slightly reluctantly.
  • Helen tells Ian that despite their friendship, she really can’t go through with the surrogacy. She wants to but hates to think what having a new baby snatched away might do to Henry. Ian thanks her for her generosity and admits to feeling guilty about letting things go so far. Ian says that he and Adam will keep looking; Helen will be the first to know when they find a suitable surrogate. He insists that she shouldn’t feel guilty or feel bad. They swear their love for one another and end with a healing hug.

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