Jennifer decides to face the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune”; Joe decides to keep his memories but ditch the physical remains; Pip decides that gliding might just do her some good.

Radio Times: Pat proves to be a friend indeed and Joe struggles to let go

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  • Pat has been given some vouchers for an afternoon’s pampering session at Grey Gables and has asked Jennifer to go with her. However, her sister-in-law isn’t that keen, not wishing to hear more about Pat’s goats. She suggests to Brian that they should go out for the day together. He refuses, claiming that his workload would get in the way. Eventually, Jennifer talks herself into accepting Pat’s offer. After all, she feels that she should feel grateful that anyone in the village would want to spend time with her at present.
  • Toby catches up with Pip and wishes her belated birthday best wishes. He presents her with a gift which she accepts, though she had understood that they had agreed not to do such things. At Greenwood Cottage, Brian breaks the news that Will must sacrifice his upcoming day off. Brian has arranged to meet with Latif to discuss next year’s shoots and he wants Will to be there. Any chance to discuss business with Latif is just too important to turn down. At that point, Joe comes blustering in.
  • Toby explains to a doubting Pip just how useful he was in the lambing shed the other day. Even Eddie said so, more or less. Toby reckons that he’s a potential “ewe whisperer”. Be that as it may, Pip is well pleased with his gift, a glider flying experience. She’s so happy that not everyone sees the need to treat her with kid gloves. At Grey Gables, Pat and Jenny discuss the awful time that the Aldridge’s have had at the hands of the local press recently. It brought back memories of Bridge Farm’s E. coli outbreak. Rather than dredge up the past, they both agree to end the day with a drink.
  • Joe has come to rescue some of the items that Clarrie had donated to the jumble sale. Most of his things weren’t jumble, they were “golden memories”, especially those concerning his wife, Susan. As they search for a silver painted picture frame, Nic cuts her wrist, but steadfastly refuses Joe’s offer of a “clean corner” of a used handkerchief with which to stem the flow of blood. Eventually, he gives up searching, saying that he will sell his things, providing that she puts the money raised to good use for the children.
  • Pat and Jennifer are enjoying their drink at Grey Gables. Pat offers advice based on her experience, that Jenny shouldn’t hide from the bad publicity, but should face it head-on. Jennifer agrees. She refuses to go skulking around the village, especially as she and Brian have absolutely nothing to hide.

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