Jill comes face to face with her loss.

Radio Times: Grief comes hard for Jill.

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  • Lynda encounters Vicky en route to Grange Farm, bent on interfering in the interviews of two candidates for the new milk round. Together they discover some new graffiti. Something must be done!
  • Jill was hoping for a cup of tea with Shula but a group of clients are waiting for her to lead a two hour ride. Jill has some apple pie to donate; she defrosted it and there is only so much apple pie that one person can eat.
  • New milk-round customers are coming but slowly; Ed is concerned that they should not cold-call too late because the older folk in particular are reluctant to answer the door. Vicky turns up with the first candidate, Harry, but is deputed to hang about looking for the second candidate, Veronica. She does manage to get in a couple of questions to Harry before the cold drives her away.
  • Shula could well do without meeting Lynda; she is not prepared to commit to helping with Lynda’s graffiti clean-up. She excuses herself on the grounds of having to call on mum.
  • When Vicky returns, she is not best pleased to learn that the boys have just offered the job to Harry. She thought he was rather full of himself; Veronica was more approachable with more small talk. Well, they liked him and thought he was the stronger candidate. They were not impressed with the fact that Veronica was half an hour late.
  • Jill is on another cleaning frenzy and quite short-tempered when Shula calls. She comes across her shoes, which Phil had promised to repair – and he did. Shula tries to comfort her but the tears flow; so many people have come through the door this week but the one she most wants to see will never come again.

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