Jim is forced to admit he was wrong. Tom admits he was wrong. Emma tells Ed he was wrong.

Radio Times: Tom tries to make amends. Meanwhile, Jim is convinced that he is right.

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  • Out walking by the lake, Robert and Lynda encounter Jim, who is convinced he has seen a Jack Snipe. Robert is not so sure, and when it takes off, Jim if forced to admit he was wrong. meanwhile Lynda is excited about Jill’s discovery of a rare WW1 badge – the Borsetshire Agricultural Workers Alliance.
  • Tom wants to discuss his plans for drainage with Tony, but Tony is in a bad mood because he has to go and fetch swedes from a grower, so says he has no time. When he returns, Tom apologises. he was so excited about Peggy’s will that he got carried away until Pat explained how she felt. So now Tom wants his parents to know that the money will be ploughed into his business so that Pat and Tony can be sure of a comfortable retirement, and that is why he wants to talk about drainage. Unfortunately Tony is too cold to talk about it now.
  • Jack’s treasures continue to meet with a less than enthusiastic reception. Apparently Caroline has been given a hideous ornament and is trying to find a corner at Grey Gables where it will not be seen.
  • Emma and Keira bring Ed a new hat from the market to replace his tatty one. Ed is pleased and wears it straight away. In an effort to rebuild his relationship with George, Ed wants to come with Emma to pick George up from Will’s. Emma is not so sure.
  • Ed is determined to speak to Will about Holly, but Emma insists he must leave it. Ed feels they should not have given in to George last night, letting him go back to Will’s – soon he will be living there full time. Emma tells him George is still very upset and keeping out of Ed’s way. Ed is distraught; all he wants is to have George back.

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