Joe is told of Ed’s decision to sell the dairy herd; David considers his options.

Radio Times: Pip has got plans, but David is in a reflective mood.

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  • Jim lends a hand to David with one of the sheep. They comment about the relentless poor weather. Oliver updates David on the ridiculous rivalry between Robert and Jim over their bird-watching.
  • Joe is reminiscing about his dancing days and is dusting off his smart suit ready for the Valentine event at The Bull on Saturday. Ed visits his Grandad to break the news about the sale of his herd and his plans to leave dairy farming for good. Disappointed that Grange Farm will never be the same again, Joe can still appreciate that times have changed and that Ed has nothing to prove and hasn’t failed. He philosophically points out to Ed that however much something is wanted, nothing lasts any more.
  • Pip has been researching a top of the range tractor (only £100,000!) and David agrees to look into it. Meanwhile he has been conducting his own research into Dan’s farming methods in days gone by – open-air dairying. Convinced that progress lies in a high-tech. future, Pip accuses David of living in the past, but grudgingly agrees to look through the archives with him.

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