Justin pays over the odds for the Dower House and Oliver confides to Shula he is considering selling Grey Gables.

Radio Times: Oliver needs to ask a favour

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  • Matt is late for the meeting he requested with Justin and Lilian. Lilian tries to jolly Justin into a better mood. Matt finally arrives, apologises and insinuates he is so busy that he was prevented from keeping his appointment in a timely manner. Matt announces that the trustee for the Dower House wants an open sale in order to secure the best price for the beneficiary. Lilian objects; as the beneficiary, she is happy with the price. Justin sees that Matt is fishing for more money and asks what Matt wants. 10% more than the appraised price will seal the deal. Lilian blusters and asks why the trustee cares since when she and Justin are married, the Dower House will belong to both of them? Justin cuts Lilian short and tells Matt he wants to live in the Dower House and he will pay the 10%. The deal is sealed. Lilian is suspicious and announces that she is trying to work out how Matt wins in this situation.
  • Susan is cooking Sunday lunch and Emma asks to taste the famous kefir. Susan preens and confides that she loves to experiment as she is so creative. Susan produces a coconut milk kefir and Emma pronounces it delicious. Tom should be grateful to Susan because she has single-handedly saved the new product. Susan also announces that she is producing facial masks for oily and dry skin. Emma cautions that she needs new names since no one wishes to be told they have oily skin. Emma suggests ‘mature’ for dry skin and ‘sensitive’ for spotty. Susan likes this but then adds ‘oleaginous’ for oily skin. Emma brings up her blow up with Chris. Susan admits Alice told her all about it. Emma announces that she isn’t going to Chris and Alice’s party. Susan tells her Chris regrets his words and he genuinely wants his family there. He has even invited Tracy. Free food and booze; Emma and Ed deserve a night out.
  • Shula has Sunday lunch with Oliver at Grey Gables. Matt comes up and greets them. After he leaves, Shula confides that she believes Matt is up to something and is involving Anisha. Oliver tells her that he has money but the refused card was a mix-up because it drew on the wrong bank. He wishes to ask Shula’s opinion on another money matter.
  • Oliver confides to Shula that all is money is invested in the Italian villa. He won’t get out of it what he put in. He has a place to live but no income now. Oliver must consider selling Grey Gables. But it meant so much to Caroline, cries Shula. She is then immediately apologetic. If it helps Oliver to discuss it, she is happy to help.
  • Lilian and Justin play with Ruby and Justin is in a much better mood. Lilian inquires if he isn’t unhappy with paying over the odds for the Dower House. Justin gallantly declares he is getting the house he wishes to live in with the woman he loves. But isn’t he afraid that Matt is getting something out of this deal, asks Lilian? Justin is certain Matt is getting something but the sooner Matt leaves Ambridge the better. Anisha would be well advised to take care, mutters Justin.
  • Shula suggests selling Grange Farm but Oliver says it wouldn’t bring in enough. And there are the Grundys to consider. Oliver tentatively brings up a meeting with a hotel chain about a possible offer for Grey Gables. He doesn’t want to meet with them at Grey Gables for obvious reasons. Could they meet at Shula’s stables? It must absolutely be kept secret.

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