Kirsty confides in Tom. Elizabeth confides in Ifty.

Radio Times: The night of the Lower Loxley Ball arrives and there is a panic for Elizabeth.

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  • It’s the night of the Lower Loxley ball, and both the twins are looking forward to going for the first time, though Freddie seems more interested in Caspar. As Kirsty and Ifty arrive, Freddie is keen to introduce Ifty to his friend Conrad.
  • Out riding, Lilian meets Brenda and tells her she will be off to Whitby on Wednesday. Predictably, their conversation is interrupted by yet another text message for Lilian.
  • Lilian proves to be the star of the dance floor, but is unmoved by Matt’s effusive praise. She tells him she has no wish to stay late as she needs to pack for Whitby.
  • Tom’s idea of a good evening appears to be telling anyone who will listen about his sales of sausages, hampers and ready meals. Brenda retaliates by going off to dance with Ifty. In a quiet moment, Kirsty and Tom talk about the future. Tom sees his as building a business, getting married and having children. Kirsty tells him she is very happy with Ifty, but questions whether he is husband material.
  • Elizabeth panics when she can’t find Freddie. Ifty suggests Caspar’s stable and sure enough, there is Freddie showing his horse to Conrad. She is angry with Freddie, but Ifty calms her down and tells her how proud Nigel would have been of the way she is bringing up his children. Ifty seems to understand her grief.

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