Kirsty has an awkward encounter with Philip. Brian manages a potentially difficult encounter to his own satisfaction

Radio Times: Alice rallies the troops

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  • Kirsty calls at Brookfield with some leaflets for Jill about illegal dumping. As she’s on a late shift, Kirsty plans to go to Arkwright Lake for some birdwatching.
  • As Kirsty leaves, Ruth makes some pointed remarks to Pip about not exploiting Jill, but they wash over Pip, who airily remarks that Jill loves looking after everyone. Her mind is on the new parlour, and she shows Ruth a pile of leaflets. her favourite (and, apparently Russ’s) is an open-sided shed which would speed up the milking and automatically wash down after milking. Not only that – it is cheaper than the others. Ruth admits she is impressed. They must speak to David, of course, but right now Ruth has to get changed and go to Home Farm for the meeting.
  • Kirsty is surprised and somewhat uncomfortable to find Philip Moss, who she attacked at the village meeting, repairing a broken panel at the hide. Philip does his best to mend bridges and appear friendly, but Kirsty won’t let things go, and she criticises Philip for riding to hounds. He gently explains his point of view, which is that hunting is a good way of managing the countryside, and tells her that he put up owl boxes at the kennels. Coldly, Kirsty says they will have to agree to disagree.
  • Debbie is unable to take part in the family meeting because she has to see the police about a stolen combine, and Kate can hear the family but they can’t hear her, so it does not get off to the best of starts. Brian claims that Debbie is in full support of her father; something Adam needs to check out with Debbie first hand. Kate finally manages to send a written message echoing Debbie’s sentiments. Ruth adopts her best soft, caring voice as she tells them all that she knows only too well that a divided family can’t cope with a crisis. Alice considers her father to be a victim – of press, the EA and the whole village. She thinks they should all support him. In the face of such opposition, all Adam can say is that he won’t rock the boat. Brian thanks them all and assures the family that with such support they will surely weather the storm.

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