Lilian finds a listening ear in Matt. Eddie and Joe find a source of good advice in Nic.

Radio Times: Justin is in the dog house

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  • Justin tiptoes on eggshells around Lilian, whose displeasure over his recent trip to Edinburgh is horribly clear. After a number of failed conversational gambits, Justin clutches at a welcome straw when Lilian says she feels like a visit to a nearby stables; unfortunately for Justin, she intends to go alone.
  • At Grange Farm, Joe is in full-on moan mode followed closely by Eddie. This time Tom’s kefir venture is the object of their displeasure, especially since Susan and Clarrie are bearing the brunt of an increased workload. The menfolk think they should go on strike. Then Nic calls round, and is intrigued by the new cider apples, Tumble Tussocks. When she hears about Emma’s aspirations to become a Parish Councillor, Nic feels she should be making more of her life now all the children will shortly be at school. Since she has a child-free day and Will is working, she agrees to go with Joe and Eddie to look at the cider apple trees.
  • And who should turn up at the stables when Lilian arrives? Why, Matt, of course. He claims to be interested in a final purchase for the Costa Rica racing stable, and tells Lilian that following a difference of opinion with Anisha, he is no longer using her veterinary services. Sensing Lilian’s unhappiness, he takes her off for tea and cake.
  • The Grundy’s arrive at the orchard, which is shortly to be bulldozed to make way for housing. Joe is keen to take cuttings from the rare trees, to use as grafts. As Joe launches into a lament about poor turkey sales, Nic comes up with a bright idea- a free bottle of Tumble Tussock cider with every bird. That should show Rex and his geese a thing or two.
  • So, asks Justin. Is everything all right with you and Justin? Lilian pours out the story of Mandy Beesborough’s revelation. Does Lilian believe Justin’s version of the story? She wants to, but at present is unable to do so. What she really wants is a good row to clear the air. Matt tells her how he would have handles the situation. Exactly, replies Lilian. Exactly what…?

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