Lizzie’s struggling to cope – and so’s Roy.

Radio Times: Shula gains some intelligence.

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  • Roy’s enjoying having Phoebe and he’s doing a great job, but she’s not so keen on him doing his college work! Betty’s happy to help when she can, though.
  • Shula and Lizzie bathe the twins while Nigel sleeps. Julia’s not being the helpful soul that she thought she could be and Shula’s worried about how they’ll cope – she suggests to Phil that Jill might take on a little more – maybe even moving in for a while?
  • Phil offers Neil the job of full-time pig man at Hollertree – and Neil’s thrilled to be asked, although he doesn’t agree immediately.
  • Kate rang and seems in no hurry to come home. She asks after their millennium and Roy’s feeling guilty about his clinch with Hayley. Betty wonders why he should worry, but the combination of it having been John’s birthday and Hayley being such a good friend, he’s worried that he’s blown it with her. She’s not rung since – mind you, neither’s he …..