More disharmony over George’s birthday and an opportunity for Alistair to pay off his debts in kind.

Radio Times: Alistair gets an offer he can’t refuse.

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  • It’s George’s first birthday and Clarrie and Joe have called to join in the celebrations; Clarrie evades Ed’s question about how his dad views the prospect of Ed working as dairy herdsman at Grange Farm. Their welcome evaporates when Clarrie mentions William and Joe mentions the second birthday party planned for Sunday.
  • Friday afternoon is an odd time for a game of poker but Alistair, Stephen Chalkman and a few regulars have turned up for it.
  • Back home, Joe cannot understand why Emma is in such a strop; it makes no difference to George when they celebrate his birthday. Clarrie knows that George’s parents must find a way to get along. It doesn’t help that Eddie has such a down on Ed’s new venture; perhaps he feels that Oliver and Ed might succeed where he failed.
  • In the caravan, Emma is content to celebrate with just the three of them. She knew when Ed was with her just before the birth that they should be together. This time next year they will have a place of their own.
  • Alas, the cards did not fall well for Alistair. It transpires that Matt has paid off all his IOUs and makes a grand gesture of tearing one up – a small one no doubt. Conversation turns to horse racing and Matt is feeling that betting on them is a better proposition than owning them has turned out to be. He is unhappy with his vet and would like Alistair to take a look at the horse. That would not be very professional but he is persuaded that there is no harm in going, as a friend, to admire Matt’s horse.

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