Nic is suffering but not in silence.

Radio Times: Things are looking up for Lilian and there is a new addition to the Grundy household.

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  • Nic wakes up – and wakes the household – with a bad attack of cramp. By the time the pain has gone, George, Jake and Mia are downstairs watching a DVD with Will, though it is only 5 am.
  • Lilian, too, is suffering from broken sleep, as she makes clear to Anthea, but Brenda’s replacement has everything under control, has introduced new systems and dealt with all the queries. Lilian’s head is not up to hearing more from superwoman, who is told to go to lunch while Lilian digests her latest spreadsheets.
  • Clarrie enlists Nic’s help for the film night, but when she hears about Nic’s cramp, Clarrie immediately forbids her to do anything that involves standing. Firmly Nic tells her that she will decide what she can and cannot do, so will be helping.
  • Will’s new puppy is a great hit with George, who wants to call it Boaz, although it already has a name. Will thinks the pup is young enough to learn another name, and suggests Baz instead, which pleases George. Maybe the baby can be Boaz instead. As they discuss it, a breathless Clarrie arrives, and insists that Will should tell Nic to stop working at The Bull. She needs to be off her feet. Will feels that he has no right to tell her to give up a job she loves, but is persuaded to speak to Jolene and Kenton about finding her work for which she can sit down.
  • True to his word, Will calls at The Bull and tells Kenton he needs help; he is caught between two women.

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