Paul is desperate to meet up with Lilian but she is reluctant to keep lying to Matt though Paul pushes for a meeting on Friday – even if it means him missing out on a job.

Radio Times: Emma is in the doghouse. Meanwhile, Neil takes charge.

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  • Paul is still pressing Lilian to meet. She keeps stressing how difficult it is to keep lying to Matt and she has to hang up when he appears.
  • Things are getting stressful at Ambridge View when the crystal bowl that was rescued in previous years gets broken and Susan won’t accept an apology from Emma. Neil decides to leave them to it – he’s obviously not going to be any help.
  • Neil visits Mike who is doing his best with Beth but nappy changing isn’t a strength so Neil takes over. Mike and Neil can’t understand Lynda’s attitude to badgers, obviously David was right to want to put the animal out of its misery. Neil doesn’t think it very likely that the Parish Council will agree to her warning plans.
  • Matt finds Lilian searching through the office for his diary. So much for a work free Sunday. Lilian calls Paul back from a field – it’s the only place she can avoid being overheard. She offers Paul Friday morning but Paul can’t do that, he has a job to quote for. Lilian actually sounds more determined not to be drawn into things again but Paul insists he will change his plans for Friday, even if it means not quoting for a job.

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