Paul receives an unwelcome visit. Kirsty receives a welcome gift.

Radio Times: Pip works hard while Kirsty enjoys a glass of champagne.

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  • Pip discusses pig husbandry with Ruth to prove that she is revising hard for her exams. Inevitably Ruth goes into soft voice mode, oozing maternal pride. As a treat for working so hard, Pip is invited to picnic with the family on Lakey Hill.
  • Kirsty helps Tom fill the freezer at Ambridge Organics, and asks how the food tasting went. Tom tells her he has won a large order – almost too large – but he is really pleased. As he lapses into a diatribe about sourcing vegetables and scaling up his production he stops short and actually admits that he has a one track mind. Meanwhile he is off to Underwoods to place his products there.
  • Josh manages to annoy his sister by staging a noisy football match under her window, and to wind Ruth up by suggesting that he and Phoebe should enter the flower arranging with a Tracey Emin take-off. Vile child Pip, however, is in delightful daughter mode, admiring butterflies.
  • Tom returns to Ambridge organics with a bottle of champagne for Kirsty as a thank you for listening and supporting. She suggests that they go and drink it in the park, before her date with Damian. They enjoy themselves and the bubbly, causing Tom to admit that he made a lot of mistakes in the past. Can it be an apology for his previous shameful treatment of Kirsty?
  • While the picnickers and the bubbly drinkers are enjoying themselves, Paul is having a rather unhappier time. His attacker turns up again, and after reminding Paul what a smack in the face feels like, warns him to keep away from Lilian. Furthermore, should he go to the police, his little granddaughter will be the next victim. The great controller Paul dissolves in tears.
  • Paul rings Lilian and leaves a message. He must see her. She is to be at the flat on Monday morning.

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