Pip gets the financing for her cattle venture, Rex asks Pip for advice on the egg branding and Helen continues to be depressed and unresponsive.

Radio Times: Helen wants to be alone and Pip has a deal to make.

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  • David drops by Bridge Farm to lend support and express dismay about the court decision on Henry’s custody. Pat tells him Helen still won’t speak to anyone but Ruth has sent a letter. David asks Pat to let him know if they can do anything at all to help. Pip is going to Penny Hassett to look at cross-bred cattle.
  • Anna tells Pat that she has explained the court decision to Helen but she is still not very forthcoming. If Helen is to plead not guilty, she must help prepare her defence. Pat doesn’t understand why Helen won’t give the details. Anna notes that it is fear and self-blame plus shame and worry about Henry. Pat surmises that they must all help Helen understand that it is vital that she describe in detail the events of the stabbing. Anna urges Pat to keep writing and give good news about the family and business. Pat urges Anna to tell Helen not to give up hope; everyone loves her so much.
  • Pip is enthusiastic about the cattle. She just knows David will love them. Pip did some hard negotiating. Rex drives up and brings some of his eggs. He would like a small favour in return. Pip will be right with him after sending the monetary details of the cattle transaction to David and Ruth for their consideration.
  • Anna counsels Helen to view the court decision on Henry in the proper light. The next decision will be more long-lasting and the court will have more information. Helen is depressed and unresponsive. She has no questions. Helen’s bail hearing will be soon; she will be allowed visits from family and friends. Helen is adamant and refuses to entertain the idea of any visits. Anna next brings up Helen’s pleading.
  • Pip finds Rex doing all the hard work while Toby is still traveling. Rex breaks the news that the Fairbrothers cannot participate in the cattle grazing scheme. But Rex wants to talk about the branding for the eggs. Rex likes Upper Class Eggs Laid by Landed Hens. David shows up with the good news: he and Ruth will finance the operation. Pip likes it and gives both men a kiss. Pip hurries off to call Matthew. Rex stands ruefully with David.
  • Anna presses Helen and stresses how important her plea hearing is. Helen can only focus on Henry and how terrible it is that he is with Rob. Helen feels she has done everything wrong; everything is her fault. She will never get Henry back and he will be Rob’s son, not Helen’s.

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