Pip makes a business decision with Adam; Lynda makes progress in casting her play.

Radio Times: Someone appears to be in business, and has Lynda got her woman?

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  • Ruth and David discuss settling Heather’s bills. Ruth feels odd treating her mother’s death as a business matter. David asks Ruth to contact Eddie about a friend who may have a cottage available.
  • Robert is moving furniture for Lynda. She needs the desk to be in the west because that ‘enhances creativity’. She also fusses about the botulism at Berrow Farm. Oh no! The desk can’t stay there; there isn’t the electrical availability. Robert sighs mightily. Lynda complains that she still can’t find a suitable person to play Celia who has social pretensions, is man-mad and likes a drink. Robert mutters, ‘If only there were a person like that in Ambridge’!
  • Pip and Adam talk about the cattle share. Pip is worried about the money needed but she’d love to do it. Pip discusses numbers and funds with Adam. Adam is looking for 150 head for the leys. Pip can only handle 50. Adam suggests that he will supply the others if Pip agrees to look after them; Adam wishes to be hands off. Pip is thrilled and sets off to find the money.
  • Ruth and David talk about formal wear for the big party. David barely fits into his old dinner jacket but he suggests that Ruth buy something new. Pip texts that it’s a go with Adam. David wants to lend her the money without interest but Ruth is annoyed again that she hasn’t been consulted from the beginning.
  • Lynda is grateful to Robert for the suggestion and Lilian has agreed to play Celia. Jennifer may play the grand dame. Lynda really wishes Helen would agree to play Ruth; Helen seemed interested but wouldn’t commit.
  • Rex asks Ruth if the brothers can have an old building for the processing of the geese. Ruth makes the decision herself without consulting David and says yes. Rex finds this admirable that she and David are always on the same wave length but perhaps Ruth may be getting back at David for past slights. Rex complains to Ruth about Toby talking too big and notes that he lost the cattle share by claiming too much experience. Adam saw right through his bluffs and refused to partner with them. Ruth tells Rex that Pip is going to go in with Adam. Rex wishes that Toby would knuckle down. Ruth advises Rex that in order for their farming partnership to work, they must each make an effort to understand the other’s point of view. Easy to give advice, Ruth.

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