Rob is evasive about flood precautions. David is curious about culverts. Ed is under family pressure.

Radio Times: David does his best, while Joe speaks from the heart.

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  • The rift with Kenton is much on David’s mind, and he is concerned that Jill has offered Kenton a loan. David feels that he should be the one to help his brother. Ruth is not convinced, but when David points out that the whole future of The Bull is at stake, she comes round to the idea.
  • Having finished the shearing, Ed sets off home. David is pleased with the work they have done, and agrees to lend Ed a post driver so that he can repair the fences before buying in his cattle. Rachel from the Environment Agency rang; the culverts near Berrow farm were checked in November and found to be clear – so what happened?
  • Ed stops off for a post-shearing pint, and is a little put out when Eddie and Joe offer to sing traditional Borsetshire ballads at the wedding reception. They insist of giving a demonstration, and Ed is forced to admit they will fit the traditional country wedding theme.
  • David runs into Rob at the agricultural supplies shop, where Rob claims to be buying some riding gloves, and asks him if he took any precautionary measures at Berrow Farm before the flood. Rob seems uneasy, and is quick to say they had not put anything in place, and were lucky to escape the flood. Rob beats a hasty retreat – he must dash back to work. Of course.
  • David comments that Pip seemed to enjoy her day catching sheep for the shearers, and was very lively when she came back from the pub. Ruth tells him she has had a text; Pip has an interview for the job. Full of parental pride, David talks about how much she has to offer. Ruth sounds less enthusiastic.
  • Joe has a ride in Ed’s new tractor, and broaches the subject of Ed’s not asking Will to be his Best Man. It is breaking Clarrie’s heart. Ed promises to think about it.

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