Richard, Shula and Alistair – three sides of a triangle? Rob does what he does best – being threatening!

Radio Times: Rob means what he says and who is that coming for lunch?

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  • Despite her cries for Alistair to answer the door, Shula has to do the job herself. Richard has arrived a little early for lunch, bearing gifts of flowers, wine and a kiss for his hostess. Alistair is outside with Joe Grundy, bemoaning the damage caused by the flood. Joe meanwhile tries to wangle flood damaged vaccinations for Bartleby… It’s a shame to see good medicines go to waste! He fails, quite rightly.
  • While waiting for Dan, Richard and Alistair make smalltalk, but the gaps in the conversation show just how difficult it is. Dan’s arrival rescues the situation and they go through to eat.
  • Rob admires Ed’s new tractor and announces that Helen has offered to provide cheeses for the wedding. He also gives Ed a thinly disguised warning to think carefully about discussing his work for the Estate. Confidentiality is essential in his business relationship. He makes veiled threats to Ed’s future livelihood. Ed says that Charlie had spoken to him along the same lines. Then perhaps, says Rob archly, the message hadn’t sunk in! He heads off leaving a stunned Ed.
  • After lunch, conversation at The Stables centres around Dan’s forthcoming tank course at Bovington and his previous arduous training in the Black Mountains. Richard accepts the offer of looking through Dan’s Sovereign’s Parade photographs. With Shula and Dan clearing away, Richard comments that Alistair must be very proud of Dan, especially given the circumstances in which he and Shula got together all those years ago. Alistair replies rather wistfully that he’s very proud
  • Joe tells Ed that he saw Richard having lunch with Shula and Alistair at the stables. Ed doesn’t remember Shula and Richard’s history but says that it just goes to show that people can get over difficulties eventually. He tells Joe that he is going to see Will about him being his best man, but offers no guarantees about the outcome. He also mentions Rob’s comments about speaking out of turn again.

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