Rob’s visit can only spell doom: are the Fairbrother’s family and business relationships unravelling?

Radio Times: Rex and Toby both want the last word, and Rob makes a last-minute decision.

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  • Emma turns up for child minding duties to find Rob preparing for a last minute trip to his parents in Hampshire. Henry has acquired a new tablet, presumably to keep him quiet on the journey. Despite her protests, Rob pays for her wasted journey. She won’t see Henry until he returns from Wales.
  • Meanwhile, Rex is unloading poultry feed at Hollowtree and being forced to listen to Toby’s weekend plans, when his mobile rings. It’s his father … he’s in hospital. Rex relays his father’s message to Toby. It’s only a minor heart attack, but he’ll need to be off work for ten weeks. As their mother is on a cruise, the job of caring for him will fall on them. A vitriolic argument ensues about what to do next. Look after their father, look after their business or arrange for paid care. At least their father can afford it. Lots of home truths are laid on the line. Toby insists that he’s going to stay put and nurse the business until it’s on its feet.
  • During the journey, Rob promises Henry a slap up meal if he gives the right answers at tomorrow’s meeting. Of course, Henry will do everything he can. Rob pulls up outside a house with a red door. He tells Henry that it’s an old friend’s house that he has wanted to visit for some time. Henry becomes bored and Rob loses his temper with him, threatening to confiscate his tablet. Suddenly, the friend leaves the house and they jump out of the car to meet them.
  • Jess takes Ethan for a walk when Rob and Henry approach her. Introductions over, Henry goes off to play. Rob sounds like his earlier self, softer and more caring. He comments that she looks well. For his part, he’s fighting fit and he now gets to have Henry to himself. He leaves, hoping that she continues to prosper, having wiped her slate clean. He hopes that it stays that way.
  • At Brookfield, Rex startles Jill as she attempts to hang out washing in the teeth of the wind. He leaves a message for David and Ruth to contact Toby about any matters regarding Hollowtree. He explains the domestic crisis and leaves Jill in no doubt of his opinion of his brother. He feels that he’s feckless, arrogant and narcissistic. Jill is truly shocked at his depth of feeling. Rex fears for any woman he becomes involved with, he’s left a trail of broken hearts. Furthermore, he’s idle, conceited and an unscrupulous leach. OK, Rex. Message received and understood.

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