Roy and Brenda worry over Mike.

Radio Times: Roy and Brenda are at a loss. Meanwhile, Jill ministers to the sick.

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  • Freddie is not being a particularly good patient and Jill’s gift of a book goes down like a lead balloon. He opts for a DVD instead. As Jill later reports to Ruth, being off school is already losing its charm. At least Elizabeth and Shula have patched things up, Lizzie having admitted she was wrong. If only she could be reconciled with David; he would love to go over and see Freddie.
  • Tom’s head is full of ready-meals, his latest money-making scheme, specifically where to find a suitable kitchen in which to make them. Brenda suggests trying The Bull but Tom will have to go alone because she is more concerned about her dad and Vicky; Roy is too and he wants to talk.
  • Roy and Brenda agree that Dad and Vicky need to talk to each other. All Mike can see at present is a terrible future and Roy is concerned that he will get depressed again. Brenda has been impressed with Vicky and thinks the baby could be a blessing for them both; for Vicky’s sake they hope that Mike can be made to see it as such – if he can get over the terror.

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