Roy considers his future.

Radio Times: Roy considers his future.

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  • Roy’s heading off to college and then to his appointment with the court welfare officer, but he’s not particularly keen on sticking with his course. He’s confident that Grey Gables could employ him full-time and is sure that would create a better impression to the court.
  • Debbie and Brian are having problems with an injured ram when they’re interrupted by Lynda collaring Brian, not about the car boot sales, they’re now to be table-top sales in the village hale, but about the rectangular plot of his land that’s marked off and which she spotted from the balloon trip. With a supremely of straight face he tells her it’s genetically modified oil seed rape, she’s about to explode with righteous indignation when he says it’ll be pollen free and think of the good that will do for her and her fellow hay fever sufferers? She’s surprisingly agreeable about the whole thing …. meanwhile Debbie and Mike are having trouble stiffling fits.
  • Debbie’s having trouble thinking of how she will talk to Kate about seeing the reality of the court case.
  • The welfare officer suggested to Roy that he and Kate have a joint meeting, but he’s not confident of that happening. His parents are sure that they don’t want him to give up his studies. Even Mike, who was distinctly sceptical at the outset, points out that while he might have more money in the short-term, but in the long term a degree would command more respect – from his daughter as well as the court. Roy agrees to stop considering giving up college.

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