Roy joins the thespians. Kirsty finds some accommodation. David and Pip agree not to tell Ruth about sick cows.

Radio Times: Roy makes an offer, while David and Pip yield to a little problem.

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  • Lynda needs some help from Kirsty in persuading Roy to take the one remaining male role in Calendar Girls. Kirsty uses all her arts of persuasion, and manages to get Roy to agree to come to a read-through.
  • Pip has noticed several cows off their food. David takes a look; it’s Ketosis, brought on by insufficient energy in their feed. He makes up a drench and they recover quite quickly, but he will have to look at their feed. Meanwhile he and Pip decide not to tell Ruth in case it spoils her holiday – or maybe because they rarely tell Ruth anything nowadays. Anyway, they have no intention of going back to the mixer wagon. Meanwhile David has emailed a contact in New Zealand. If Ruth gets homesick she can stay with his family.
  • Roy almost turns tail when he discovers Elizabeth at the read-through. Not only that – he would have to play her husband, and Lynda brightly talks about wanting to establish some chemistry between them. Elizabeth manages to allay Roy’s fears by talking about her character, and somewhat reluctantly Roy agrees to take the part. After all, his character does die a few scenes into the play.
  • Kirsty is delighted to hear that Roy will be in the play, and regales him and Elizabeth with an account of the photo shoot. She wants to come and live in Ambridge again but finding a flat will be difficult. She would consider a room in someone’s house – but who on earth is there in Ambridge with a spare room? Why, of course: Roy has a spare room. What an amazing piece of luck.

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