Ruth struggles with David’s decision and the rest of the family, except Kenton, has their say.

Radio Times: Ruth is implacable, and Jill is distressed.

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  • Ruth insists on driving, against David’s protests, in dangerous weather to break the news to Heather. Ruth is still prickly in all conversations and seems to be blaming Jill for the change in farm purchase plans.
  • Adam helps David with some land defences against the rains. Adam refers to the farm sale and David is awkward about his reply. So the sale pull-out is still a big secret. Pip is also giving David the silent treatment. When he asks her to open up, she accuses him of not listening and not consulting any of the family. She feels that David simply wants everything to remain the same.
  • Elizabeth has had to scupper her big public relations plans now that she is not getting the funds from the farm sale. Shula notes that she and Alistair will keep on muddling through; they are too old to borrow large sums of money. Elizabeth bemoans the fact that Kenton still doesn’t know and he is spending money in Australia he won’t receive since Brookfield will not be sold. Shula points out that it wouldn’t help to ruin his trip; he has already used one portion of the airline tickets and is having a wonderful visit with Meriel. Family is what is important, after all.
  • Jill is uncomfortable with Ruth’s reaction but David tries to reassure her. Pip and David bid Ruth good-bye since she is determined to drive in the very bad storm. Ruth declares that she is putting her mother first for once. As Ruth drives off, Pip runs up shouting about a water break in the barn.

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