Susan and Neil offer some financial help. David offers some practical help.

Radio Times: Susan wants to help and Emma is lost for words.

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  • It seems that news of Fallon’s (possible) new job is not the only news to shake Ambridge to the core. Over strapping raddle to their prize tup, Ruth tells David that the mega-dairy will shortly be interviewing for a herd manager, and that building work is well under way. She relays all sorts of other pieces of village gossip and in her famous hushed tones, says she is thankful that their life is on an even keel. David tells her not to tempt fate.
  • Seeing Emma struggle with Keira’s buggy as she goes to lunch with Susan, David gives her a hand. Afterwards he remarks that things may not be too good with Ed and Emma. Ruth recalls Emma asking for more hours, and David remembers his recent conversation with Ed.
  • It seems that all of Ambridge knows that Ed and Emma are struggling. Susan has heard from Eddie and knowing that Emma has a wedding invitation, she asks Neil if they could help. Neil agrees that they could offer £150. Emma is overwhelmed by the offer, but is initially not too keen on accepting, but Susan talks her round. When she tells Ed, he is delighted for her, and wants her to go and enjoy herself.
  • Maybe Ruth did tempt fate; Josh is annoyed by Pip’s spending power and making waves. Ruth is having to learn negotiation skills. David knows all about those; he was Kenton’s rival as a child.

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