Susan catches a slip.

Radio Times: Susan catches a slip.

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  • Susan’s worrying about her job security as first Kate (with the still nameless infant fine after a check-up) and then Ruth pass through the waiting room. As she chides, in her absence, Usha for throwing Richard out Ruth leaps to her defence and, in mid-torrent, lets slip that it was Richard’s fault for having the affair with Shula, but it’s too late to take it back and, sworn to silence, the first thing Susan does is tell Neil. He defends Shula’s obvious vulnerable state while Daniel was ill and Susan takes the opportunity to remind him of Maureen.
  • Roy’s in a good mood because, without a need for lawyers, he and Kate have compromised on at least two hours contact a week, although Neil’s not sure his planned trips to the zoo aren’t a little advanced! He’s in an even better mood when, wasting no time, he calls on Kate and, when hearing that she’s having a party (tomorrow) to celebrate her coming of age (Wednesday), she agrees to him having Baby for the evening – so long as she’s back for midnight to celebrate the moment of her birthday. They even manage to laugh at Peggy having rung both of them to ask if they’ll model at the Underwoods/Bell fund fashion show and both having refused.
  • Ruth, who’d been at the doctors for some anti-biotics for a cut foot, timidly tells David what she did. He’s absolutely incensed, no least because she’d been adamant that they not get involved and his sister’s news will be all over the village in hours. Ruth’s fervently hoping that Susan will stay silent, but he’s just incredulous, and not a little suspicious because her support for Usha had been obvious.

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