Susan continues to spread talk about Elizabeth and Roy; Jill confronts and comforts her daughter.

Radio Times: Jazzer takes Ed in hand, and Susan gets short shrift.

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  • Elizabeth calls Roy to ask him to perform still more unpaid work for the Hunt Ball. Jill comes in and confronts her daughter about Roy.
  • Susan doesn’t even draw the gossip line with Jazzer and Ed when she sees Roy and wonders viciously where he is going. Jazzer’s comment about ‘booty calls’ prompts Susan to ask the meaning of the phrase and inquire whether it is a Scottish saying!
  • Elizabeth tells her mother that it wasn’t an affair but it was a mistake. She was confused but ‘Roy wouldn’t let it go.’ Jill points out that Hayley is a victim but she is shocked to hear that Freddie knows. Elizabeth laments her loneliness and isolation and dissolves into tears and Jill takes her into her arms. Later, Elizabeth is shocked to hear that everyone in the village knows about the ‘non-affair.’ Jill offers comfort and counsels time as a healer. They decide to go for a walk.
  • Ed dumps his misery on Jazzer today, for a change, while they tackle the sheep. Jazzer wants Ed to meet him at The Bull for a few jars tomorrow and Ed reluctantly agrees.
  • Susan tries to pump Jill for information about the favourite scandal when Jill pops into the shop to buy an anniversary card for Kenton and Jolene. Jill frostily ends Susan’s attempts and asks her to stop any talk; we can’t all be perfect, Jill tells the rattled Susan. Elizabeth is listening to Roy’s phone message in the car when Jill returns and reports that Susan didn’t have much to say.

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