Susan is in battle mode. Brian is in devious mode. Helen is in defensive mode.

Radio Times: Brian has the perfect solution, and Clarrie gets an embarrassing surprise.

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  • Over a batch of yoghurt, Susan and Clarrie discuss the campaign to save the shop and indeed the Village Hall. Clarrie is impressed by Susan’s input when she reads the Echo – but devastated when she sees a review of La Boheme which mentions Eddie’s phone ringing during the performance. Susan has the Parish Council on side in her campaign; she has dictated a letter for Neil to send, asking Justin Elliott to fund the new Village hall.
  • Brian is not happy when he finds no lunch, because Jennifer is busy with her SAVE campaign work. She is endeavouring to avoid Lilian and enquires whether he has seen the sense in Adam’s plans for the farm. He’ll soon have it buzzing, she declares fondly. Yes, says grumpy Brian, with bailiffs.
  • A subdued Helen takes a walk by the lagoons and meets Johnny, who asks how Henry’s first half day at school has gone. Helen seems unduly anxious to assure Johnny that nothing is wrong; as she and Henry have spent so much time together, she will miss him a great deal. Still, says Johnny cheerfully, she won’t be lonely with Rob around so much.
  • Rob is annoyed over a mix-up regarding an appointment with a builder. He has phoned a number of them, but has either had no response or been told that they have a lot of work on. He is now down to two, who apparently have little work on, but puts a brave face on it. Whoever he chooses will not get away with anything. Whatever Rob’s faults, he knows how to keep a close eye on people… doesn’t he, Helen?
  • Brian has been approached by Kate with a view to renting some land for her holistic therapy project. Gracious Brian has agreed; she can have some of Adam’s herbal ley. Let Adam see how he can cope with the farm and Kate.

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