The emotional pull of Brookfield begins to exert its effect on David; there is a whiff of reconciliation in the air between Hayley and Roy.

Radio Times: Rob surprises Helen, and David makes a discovery.

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  • Jill meets David while collecting eggs. He is getting wistful about a hedge laid years ago by Phil and Jethro Larkin. It’s preparing for Spring growth but is under threat of being grubbed up by Justin. David wonders if he could make it a condition of Brookfield’s sale that the hedge remains intact.
  • Helen ropes Rob into helping to sorting the shops shambolic invoices out. In a volte face, Rob suggests that she could consider returning to shop management full-time, putting their family plans on hold. Later, while drain cleaning, he offers to look after Henry while Helen and Pat visit Tony.
  • Phoebe is visiting Hayley in Birmingham. The conversation turns to Phoebe’s new boyfriend Alex, and then to Roy. It is clear that Hayley still doesn’t know her true feelings about getting back with Roy. Her feelings seem to change with the wind. Both her head and her heart need sorting out, but time will help.
  • David and Jill discover a box of old Brookfield farm diaries dating back to 1929. They tell stories of triumph over adversity and making the most of scarce resource. They also mark the start of Brookfield dairy in 1930. Clearly, Dan Archer’s love of Brookfield and the land it stood on was profound. Jill reckons that as Dan passed knowledge to Phil, and he did the same with David, in turn David will do the same with Pip, the only difference being, the name of the farm. Silence ensues.

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