The moment of truth

Radio Times: The moment of truth

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  • Lynda’s managed to get herself onto the Millennium Wood committee and is less than impressed to discover that Jennifer, as chair, seems to have stolen her thunder in approaching George to help out with his knowledge of forestry. Lynda’s also nonplussed to discover that, despite her writing a letter to the Parish Council, George has been asking about the rubble lorries that are visiting Grange Farm and it all seems to be legal and there is not a lot to discuss on the issue.
  • George is trying to convince Greg to back down over what to do when the Home Farm and Grey Gables shoots clash. Greg refuses, even suggesting that Home Farm will pay the beaters more to ensure success – George tries to talk to Jennifer, not knowing that Greg already got the ok for this strategy from Brian.
  • It’s the day of paternal judgement for Roy …. and his feelings were right. The blood tests show that he is the true biological father. He’s overjoyed, so’s Betty, although Mike’s generally doomladen, suggesting that his problems are only just starting. Jennifer’s almost as nervous as she doesn’t know (with Kate being away) but visits the Tuckers and Betty lets on – she seems genuinely pleased that Baby is Roy’s daughter and suggests to Betty that getting the two of them around a table, but away from a court, is the next course of action.

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