Kate digs her heels in

Radio Times: Kate digs her heels in

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  • Hayley’s ecstatic at Roy’s news, although she does remind him that Kate might not be so pleased, but she says that she never had any doubts. While you can’t argue with the results, Kate is still Kate, but Roy’s more determined than ever to fight the good fight.
  • The grandparents are visiting a tired Kate (they arrived home late) and, before she has a chance to open her copy of the letter, drop the bombshell. Kate is certainly not as happy as her mother and, as Hayley predicted, is adamant that is changes nothing. While Brian, especially conscious of the legal bills, and Jennifer, more aware of the feelings of the father, try to get her to see the sense in a diplomatic solution, Kate is as intransigent as ever. The baby is still her’s and she knows what’s best and Roy isn’t going to get his violent, angry hands on her baby. She’s not going down without a fight and even hints at running away ….
  • Alistair’s seeing a calving mother at Brookfield and he and David are chatting about the dire state of the cricket team (do Ambridge males have no other common ground?) and the dire state of his and Shula’s relationship. Shula is around too and an awkward meeting ensues before he leaves for another call. Shula, of course, thinks he’s running off because of her. David admits she’s partially right, but says that Alistair seemed sad more than angry when talking of her. She relays Caroline’s advice to give it time and move on, but David says that if he’s who she wants then why shouldn’t she fight for him? What has she to lose?

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