The troops are in place for the impending birth; Kirsty’s intervention just may bear fruit.

Radio Times: Tom loses his rag, and Brian is after Adam’s approval.

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  • At five in the morning, Tom finds Johnny at the office computer with a page open at the Borsetshire Food and Drink Awards. Tom’s livid and gives Johnny a good dressing down. He will hear no explanation, he’s not interested in entering his scotch eggs and that’s final. He insists that Johnny leaves. He starts on his own far more important task of ordering farm supplies.
  • Adam and Brian are waiting for David to join them for their trip. Jenny has arranged some of Ian’s best “picnic” food. Adam has a text message from Alistair about the cricket team. He’s very insistent but so is Adam. He will only play if he can find the time. Brian’s not best pleased with the direction that Eddies “Elves in the Wood” scheme is going, especially when he hears of The Echo’s interest. However, David arrives, and they’re off!
  • Tony and Peggy are having a none too palatable breakfast at their hotel. Tony thanks his mother for coming. She recalls that in her day, she says, birth partners didn’t exist. It was just the midwife! Despite Tony’s gloomy outlook, she insists that they are there to make the birth as normal and special as possible, for Helen’s sake. And, they have to assume that everything will be straightforward.
  • While boxing lettuces, Johnny receives an apology from Tom. He had discovered that Johnny was entering Helen’s Borsetshire Blue for the Food Awards. Tom had completed the application. It was a kind thought. Kirsty arrives and accepts Tom’s offer of a cup of tea. At Home farm, Brian is impressed with the no-till system. He floats his idea of arranging a surprise, super luxury holiday for him and Jenny. Adam approves and Brian sets off to book it.
  • Over tea, Kirsty wonders what the mother and baby unit is like. She feels that everything feels so unreal. She wants to help more. She tells Tom that she had contacted a helpline but wasn’t sure if Helen had followed it up. If she had, phone records just might show a degree of coercive control by Rob. Could Tom mention it to Anna? It may lead to nothing, but it might just help. Tom agrees.
  • Tony and Peggy arrive back at their hotel. Helen seemed to be as comfortable as could be expected. Tony thanks his mother again but he’s still worried about losing the baby, or worse! He remarks how tired Peggy looks; she’s too old for this sort of cavorting about. She won’t hear another word; she will outlive all of them. Her role is to be supportive and that’s just what she’ll be!

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