There will be no Carter appearance in the panto. Elizabeth confides in Johnny and seeks his assistance.

Radio Times: Toby has a new toy, and Susan is insulted.

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  • Susan is put out that Neil appears to have been left to single-handedly clear the embers of the bonfire. Neil feels it’s the least he can do to support his community, having already ducked out of a part in Mother Goose. Susan is less than impressed with Kate’s role in casting, as she suggested for Susan the part of Esmeralda: a gossipy old crone. Firmly instructed to have nothing more to do with the panto, Neil thinks it’s a shame, but agrees to back Susan up. She also defies him from sneaking into The Bull to supplement his Sunday lunch of mushrooms on toast.
  • Toby makes an early appearance back from Brighton and Pip puzzles over his intentions – and the many boxes he has brought with him. Toby eventually reveals his plans to set up a gin distillery – with no licence. He covers this minor detail, by stating he has no intention to sell the product. Not until he has had plenty of practice, roping in Pip as his chief taster. Next time he plans a trip to Brighton, she would like to be included and to meet his friends.
  • As Neil and Johnny clear up the remains of the Bonfire, they muse on how good the Joker mask was, on the Guy. Helen had enjoyed her evening with the boys, until Rob arrived.
  • Elizabeth has a quiet word with Johnny as she is concerned about how Freddie is settling at college and making new friends. She would like Johnny to keep a friendly eye on Freddie and look out for him, which he agrees to do.
  • Susan continues on her quest for a photographer for their family portrait. Really, Neil is happy to leave the detail to Susan, but she insists that he play a full part in selecting the right photographer for the job. As he sits down to begin the trawl, Susan enquires if he is peckish. He is, and is hopeful for a tasty snack, but is rewarded with carrot batons!

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