Toby advises Pip to keep quiet about the broken fence and the loose cows, Toby is discouraged after visiting a true artisanal distillery whose gin Kenton has decided to stock and Kirsty receives good news from the consultant.

Radio Times: Toby shares his advice, and Kirsty adjusts to new information.

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  • Ruth talks with Pip about being responsible for the disease of the cows. Pip tries to reassure Ruth that it was not her fault. Ruth specifically asks Pip if she remembers any broken fences and cows who managed to escape. Pip doesn’t answer truthfully.
  • Pip catches up with Toby and tells him the cows mixing with Tony’s herd is how the disease was spread. Pip wants to confess but Toby talks her out of it. There is nothing to be gained from owning up, counsels the shameless Toby. Keep quiet because it won’t help things. Jill stops in and addresses Pip’s request to borrow money. Jill thinks it is wonderful that Pip is so positive and she believes that Pip is a wonderful investment; she wants to lend Pip the money. Pip refuses the offer (because of guilt). She tells Jill that with the IBR this is not the time to start a new enterprise.
  • Kenton tells Toby that he has decided to serve an artisan gin but he is going to go with another label. Toby blames everyone else but himself for not being on top of things. Kenton laughs at his excuses and brings Toby to a distillery that has been up and running for 5 years.
  • Jill tells Ruth that she was ready to lend Pip the money but Pip turned her down. Pip’s excuse about IBR doesn’t hold water because IBR had already been diagnosed when Pip asked for the funds. Ruth speculates that perhaps Pip has had a row with Toby?
  • Toby is depressed after visiting the artisanal gin distillery. He sees that the other people have worked hard, invested their own money and produced a much better gin. Kenton tells Toby that his has promise and if he listens to Carol Tregorran’s mystical advice, who knows?
  • Kirsty and Tom discuss the results of the meeting with the consultant. She has reassured the couple that the miscarriage was a one-off event which had no biological origin. Tom is very positive and tries to convince Kirsty that this is good news and she will be able to have a child in the future.

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