Tom and Helen look to the future for the farm and trouble is brewing among the female cricket players.

Radio Times: Neil waxes lyrical and Tom has high hopes

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  • Neil and Tom discuss Toby’s unusually quiet personality behind the bar at The Bull last night. He also looked as if he had cut himself quite badly in an attempt at a shave.
  • The women turn up to practise their cricket skills. Jolene, Lily and Anisha want to practice before the next single wicket. They are all in this together with nothing personal at all.
  • Tom meets up with Helen. The latest is that Naomi has dumped Johnny; she wanted more commitment before the Isle of Wight Festival. Tom and Helen are looking ahead for a Pack House, i. e. a space for fermented vegetables and perhaps to produce kefir. Tom is set for a Hungarian trip but when he returns they will investigate this idea in earnest.
  • Neil is treating one of the injured weaners when Justin shows up. He asks for Justin’s help in treating the pig. Justin is out for a walk but has escaped from the cooing over Jack. Justin talks to Neil about Terry, a man from Borchester Mills. Justin seems to be interesting in gaining information from Neil. Neil tells him that he likes the labour intensive organic method but he does give Justin some inside tips on another intensive indoor pig operation nearby. Justin is very interested.
  • Lily and Anisha seem to be very critical of Jolene’s skills. Jolene says she might not have come had she known things would be so competitive. Lily stays behind to help Jolene clean up. Lily confides that Anisha is too competitive and Lily intends to fight back on Monday.
  • Helen and Tom worry about the costs and labour of putting in a food operation. They could offer courses for the public. Open Farm Sunday would be a perfect opportunity to expose the farms to potential punters. They agree to go for it but they will keep the ideas for a Pack House quiet. The money for it seems impossible to access and it is best to keep Pat and Tony in the dark for now.

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