Tom frets about his business. Chris frets about his business. Brenda frets about Amside’s business and Helen considers an offer.

Radio Times: Helen’s night out takes an unexpected turn. Meanwhile, Alice is keen to please.

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  • Chris is home at last, and Alice is determined to look after him. Chris is amazed at the number of get-well cards awaiting him, but anxious to find out how his business is doing.
  • Someone else with business on his mind is Tom, who calls in at the dairy to see if Helen has any further thoughts about his idea of getting rid of the herd. Helen is cautious and non-committal, reminding her brother that he needs to go easy on Pat and Tony; all Tom can say is that his head is full of new ideas. Helen reminds him that there is more to life than business. She is going out with Emma. Maybe Tom should take Brenda out somewhere.
  • Emma and Keira call to see how Chris is doing. Emma is looking forward to a night out with Helen at The Bull, and comments that, in the end, family is what matters, not work. Alice seems somewhat unconvinced. Later she makes up a bed downstairs so that she gets a good night’s sleep. Chris is none too happy about that.
  • Yet again, Lilian is off out, leaving a sullen Brenda to do all her work. She snaps at Brenda when she asks where Lilian is going, in case Matt asks. Anyone who wants her can ring her mobile. At least Tom’s call to suggest a night out meets with rather more enthusiasm than usual, as Brenda’s annoyance with Lilian mounts.
  • Paul and Lilian enjoy their time at the apartment, which has now become a flat… until Brenda rings. She needs some plans for the architect. Lilian tells her to look for them, but Brenda points out that Lilian had them last – and there they are, in Lilian’s bag. So Brenda will just have to take them over tomorrow.
  • Emma and Helen enjoy an evening out. Helen meets a man at the bar who suggests they might meet up, and gives Helen his number. Emma encourages Helen to ring him; he is very good-looking. Helen thinks she just might do that.

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