Tom regrets that he will not be able to research Helen’s organic baby food this year and Lynda quits the fete committee over traditional activities v. a new Brazilian theme.

Radio Times: Lynda and Fallon go head to head, and Tom feels torn.

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  • Kate has taken the big mirror from Brian and Jennifer’s bedroom without asking Brian. He can’t believe the Mongols hauled full length mirrors with them all over the steppes! Jennifer relates Kate’s theory that the fees from the group renting this first yurt will pay for the furnishing of the other two. Brian explodes because Kate was to have furnished all three from the shopping expedition last week. Also, who is going to do the housekeeping for the yurts; Brian advises Jenny to take care. Jennifer changes the subject and asks about Alice and this new job. If she is fed up with her old job and wants this new one so badly, why is she arguing over salary? Surely that will put this new position in jeopardy? Brian isn’t worried; Alice has her head firmly screwed on, like Debbie. Unlike someone else he could mention, he mutters.
  • Jill asks Tom about his farm visit yesterday. Tom tells her he has a few thoughts but nothing that will turn this shop around quickly. Lynda comes in looking for Anya. Jill mentions she will see Lynda at the fete planning meeting this evening. Lynda is grateful because she was outnumbered at the last meeting. Jill is puzzled and Lynda explains that many people are determined to have anything vaguely Brazilian in the name of the Olympic theme. Tom interjects that he thinks the Brazilian theme sounds fun. Lynda retorts that this is Ambridge and the fete needs to be traditional with Morris dancers and a tombola.
  • Kenton tells Fallon that he has a contact for a samba band. Fallon and Kenton agree that what is needed is something lively to bring in the young families. The old traditions are just not fun or new enough for the young.
  • Jennifer tells Jill about Kate’s plundering of her home for the furnishing of the yurt. Jill mentions bringing food to Pat and Tony since they have so little time to cook. They both discuss how Lilian and Tom are besotted with baby Jack. Peggy was wiped out by the visit and the effort to keep cheerful for Helen.
  • Brian stops by to take Tony to The Bull for a drink and asks Tom about the outing yesterday. Switzerland and Sweden are the best places to learn about organic baby food but Tom doesn’t feel that he can apply for a Nuffield scholarship this year-maybe next year, he notes with regret.
  • Meanwhile at the fete committee meeting, Kenton mentions that he was able to book a samba band. Lynda icily asks if he has taken a unilateral decision without consulting the committee. Kenton cheekily replies that he discussed it with Fallon. Jill asks if samba bands aren’t quite loud and Fallon admits they are but they are livelier than Morris dancers. Lynda is shocked; surely they aren’t planning to eliminate the Morris men? That is unacceptable, she declares. This fete is to be traditional with some carnival elements. Jill tries to keep the peace but the squabbles continue centring on who will cater what, where. The overriding argument, though, is between Fallon arguing for the new and unique and Lynda who declares that tradition is all. It gets personal with Fallon accusing Lynda of thinking she is the only one who can determine what is traditional through her own tastes. Lynda declares that if a coup is being staged, she will retreat. Be warned, Jill, Lynda retorts as she goes out the door. This week the fete but next week the Flower and Produce Show! Kenton moans, what have you done, Fallon?

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