Tony is looking to the future and Susan pushes Neil to a confrontation with Tom.

Radio Times: Susan loses patience and Tony makes progress.

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  • Tony has walked across the room on his own power with the help of crutches. Pat is thrilled and proud. Everyone is happy that Tony is closer to home in a facility located in Felpersham.
  • Tom asks Johnny for help in moving the pigs to their new pen. Johnny is happy to give up his studies to help on the farm.
  • Carol is buying a paper in the village shop and she notes the dominant controversy these days over Justin Elliott. Susan declares she is a firm supporter of Elliott; she thinks he will bring jobs and prosperity to the village. Neil pops in to say he can’t pick up the kids because he will have to help move the pigs on Bridge Farm. Susan is annoyed; she will have to cancel the wedding fabric search with Emma.
  • Neil finds that Johnny and Tom have done the moving for him. Tom notes they are running short of pasture. Neil tries to discuss it but Tom already has a plan in mind.
  • Jill and Carol look over more of the attic sort out. They find some old photos and Carol suggests that someone local should take over Mike’s milk round for historical reasons. Perhaps Eddie? Then the talk turns to the Valentine’s dance. Carol would love to go but with whom?
  • Susan harangues Neil and tells him that he needs to stand up to Tom. Neil needs to be valued more or he should walk out. Neil is appalled; he wants this work. Susan uses emotive language: Doesn’t Neil want to be an upstanding, respected figure when he walks Emma down the aisle? He doesn’t want to be a doormat. Neil replies he is no doormat and he will stand up for his rights. Tom Archer will no longer push him around.

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